What's the Lightning Movie website all about?

Hey guys, have you heard about this Lightning Movie website? I stumbled upon it online, and I’m curious what it’s all about. Supposedly, you can watch movies on there, but there’s something about it being related to Lightning? I’m a bit intrigued but also a tad skeptical.

Any of you know more about it?

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hi mr gabbana my advice is potential streaming service, “Lightning Movie,” could offer ad-free movies and TV shows for a fee. Reddit mentioned this with a price in Chinese Yuan. However, since there’s no public website and possible sketchy aspects (like Bitcoin payment), it’s best to avoid such services. Stick to reputable movie streaming platforms with clear pricing and secure practices.

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DreamHost generally receives positive reviews for its web hosting services. Customers appreciate its reliable uptime, user-friendly control panel, and responsive customer support. The pricing is competitive, offering good value for the resources provided.

I like the idea. Not too happy about the fact that it’s all stolen content. They’ll probably become famous, run with as many sats as they can, and then be shut down.