What were the prices of McDonald's items back in the 1960s?

Hey guys, I was reading up on some nostalgia stuff and got curious — do any of you happen to know what the prices of McDonald’s items were back in the 1960s? I bet it was pretty different from what we’re used to now!


Our local police force is struggling to recruit new officers because the cost of living in our area has become too high for them to afford :joy: :joy: :joy:

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You’re totally right about the ‘information flood’ tactic.

McDonald’s does it intentionally to make you misjudge your hunger and gravitate towards the easy-to-spot items on the menu pages.

I think I saw a video once that talked about McDonald’s tricks, but I can’t recall which one it was.

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I came across this. Prices of McDonald’s items back in the 1960s.

The sheer number of options on the McDonald’s menu can be overwhelming. It’s like they’re bombarding you with choices.

I definitely find myself drawn to the pictures and familiar items. Maybe that video you saw was about fast food menu psychology?

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While specific prices may vary depending on location and other factors, here’s an approximate idea of what some McDonald’s items might have cost in the 1960s