What are the top crypto wallets out there?

I’ve been eyeing a Ledger wallet for ages, so that’s a given. But now I’m considering Trezor too. What wallets do you guys use? Any pros and cons you can share about Trezor or other options?

Thanks a bunch! Have a great week, everyone!


I go for the Coldcard mk4 hardware wallet paired with the Sparrow wallet on my desktop. Then, I keep an eye on everything using Bluewallet on my phone. For lightning, I use Phoenix wallet, and for other lightning transactions, I stick with Wallet of Satoshi.


I actually opt for a USB flash drive with Tails OS installed on it. Tails OS comes with Electrum pre-installed. And I make sure to only use that flash drive on an old laptop where I’ve taken out the hard disk and WiFi/Bluetooth card for added security.


Mr. Flippa, then what happens or what’s next for you if you happen to lose the USB flash drive?


Okay Okay, let me wait for more answers 'cause this is getting more interesting!


I’ve got an old laptop that I factory reset, then I downloaded Bitcoin Core and set it up to run a full node. It’s dedicated solely to being my BTC wallet, nothing else.

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But hey Gabbana, can I do this with a smartphone?

Ledger is a great choice, it’s definitely a popular one. But before you decide, I’ve been looking into Trezor too – they seem to be really secure, with offline storage for your crypto keys which helps avoid online hacks. They even have a recovery system in case you lose your device. The only thing is they don’t have a mobile app and some folks say they aren’t as flashy. On the other hand, some Ledger users mention it can be a bit trickier to set up. Maybe others can share their experiences with either Trezor or Ledger to help us choose?