Is there a way to hide a QR code in a picture so it's not easy to see?

Can you hide secret messages in printed pictures like you can in digital ones? I want to hide my paper wallet in a picture of my dog or something similar. Can it be done?


Hi, since visual QR codes are customizable, you can add them to the overall picture using the same color scheme and by doing so, you will still be able to maintain the image’s aesthetic, and users will not notice that you hide a QR code in that image. you can hide a QR code within a picture using a few different techniques to make it less visible while still retaining its scannability.

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Hey, Yes, you can hide a QR code in a picture using various techniques to make it less noticeable.

QR codes are very useful. Users might find it fun to find them hidden in pictures, but I also like using them on packages for quick access to product information or website links.