Is reeds jewelers legit?

I’m new to the world of jewelry and as a newcomer, I have trust issues for this is my first time trying it out. Can anyone vouch for the legitimacy of Reeds Jewelers?

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Reeds Jewelers is a legitimate company with a rating of “A+” and accreditation from the Better Business Bureau, with less than a dozen complaints filed there in the three years leading up to this evaluation. They stock GIA and AGS certified diamonds.

I’m thrilled with the swift service and the quality of the product. I got my necklace the day after placing my order. Although I looked at other options, I’ve consistently been impressed with Reeds’ service, products, and prices. I’d happily recommend Reeds to anyone.

Reeds Jewelers is a real company that has been around for ages (since 1946), so you don’t have to worry about them being a scam. However, information I have gotten from someof my friends is that their stuff can be a bit pricey for what you get, and there has even been some talk about certain things, like Rolex watches, maybe not being real. If you DO want to buy from Reeds, look at reviews of the exact thing you want online and see if you can find it cheaper elsewhere. But if you are open to other options, there are websites like James Allen or Blue Nile that might be better for beginners - they often have good prices and a wider selection!

That’s completely understandable! It’s important to feel confident when making jewelry purchases, especially for a first-timer. There can be some mixed reviews about Reeds Jewelers.

Look at review sites like Trustpilot, Yelp, or the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to see what past customers experienced. This will give you a broader sense of their service and product quality.

Explore independent jewelers in your area. They often offer personalized service and potentially lower prices. There are also reputable online retailers like James Allen, Blue Nile, or Brilliant Earth with good return policies.

You’re right, Reeds Jewelers has been around for a long time (since 1946) so they’re a legitimate company.

However, it’s always a good idea to do some research before buying anything.

Some people might find their prices a bit high for the quality, and there have been some online discussions about specific items like Rolex watches.

If you hear something concerning, it’s wise to check reviews from a wider range of sources.