Have Tubyte Cards Been Powered by Bolt Card?

There was this announcement about the upcoming launch of Tubyte cards for Spain, made possible by the Bolt Card project.

These cards were to be priced at €5 and were to be available for delivery nationwide. Plus, the first 10 purchasers would receive €10 in sats to kickstart their spending with the Tubyte Card.

They also promised an lnd hub built on Bolt Card Hub for seamless transactions using the Tubyte Card, with the option to self-host it. … Till when?

Hey @NotsNCoins, about the Tubyte cards for Spain, let me tell you, I was really excited when I first heard about them too! I mean, who wouldn’t be? Getting your hands on something innovative like that, it’s just thrilling. The announcement got everyone buzzing, especially with that sweet deal of €10 in sats for the first 10 purchasers. It’s like a little bonus for being an early adopter, right?

I can guarantee you, I was checking the calendar every day, waiting for the big day. But here’s the thing, I think we might need to hold on to our excitement a bit longer. It seems like there’s a bit of a delay, and honestly, it’s kind of a bummer.

So, till when? Well, it’s hard to say for sure. But let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope that it’s sooner rather than later. In the meantime, let’s keep our eyes peeled for any updates because I have a feeling once these Tubyte cards hit the market, they’re going to be a game-changer.

Wow, the launch of Tubyte cards for Spain sounds exciting, especially with the added incentive of €10 in sats for the first 10 purchasers.

The integration of an lnd hub built on Bolt Card Hub for seamless transactions adds another layer of convenience.

However, it’s unclear from the announcement until when these offers are available. It would be great to know more about the timeline for this launch and any deadlines associated with the promotional offers.

howdy nots ncoins, Yes, tubyte cards are soon being powered by the bolt card project. These contactless cards, which will be available and can be used like Visa or MasterCard.