Everyone keeps saying a bull run is coming, and some even say it’s already happening. Yet, my portfolio has been losing value daily for the last few weeks. Most of my investments are in Bitcoin and some major altcoins. I’m not sure if this is a trap or something else. I have bought the dip a few times, but my portfolio isn’t motivating me anymore. I would really appreciate any suggestions
Just be patient, man.
Camden said:
Just be patient, man.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
Leighton said:
Try to zoom out.
Yeah, I think I need to step back. I should just leave my portfolio alone for a while!
Leighton said:
Try to zoom out.
Yeah, I think I need to step back. I should just leave my portfolio alone for a while!
I need to remember that advice too
Leighton said:
Try to zoom out.
Yeah, I think I need to step back. I should just leave my portfolio alone for a while!
It’s fine to check daily. Just don’t stress over the downs because ups are always around the corner in my opinion
Leighton said:
Try to zoom out.
Since prices are high now, it might drop soon?
Right now, it feels like the market is stuck going down, which is the worst. Even with positive crypto news, markets are nervous because of the macro and geopolitical issues.
In my view, it’s unlikely we won’t return to an upward trend once things settle down, if they do settle.
Historically, the biggest gains come after the deepest drops. Don’t invest more than you’re willing to hold for years if you’re trading. If you’re thinking long-term, there’s no need to worry. Just live your life normally.
You have to go through some pain to see the gain.
Willy said:
You have to go through some pain to see the gain.
I guess that’s how it works. Thank you
You could add more money.
We’re in a bull run. It just comes down to knowing how to trade.
The market is reacting to some poor decisions from Trump recently. This will pass, the super cycle is coming, and your portfolio will hit an amazing all-time high before July.
Just take a step back, be patient, and try not to focus too much on daily prices.
You’re right! I realize that keeping an eye on daily movements makes me anxious. I should let my portfolio be for a while and let it recover naturally. Thank you so much
Reuben2 said:
You’re right! I realize that keeping an eye on daily movements makes me anxious. I should let my portfolio be for a while and let it recover naturally. Thank you so much
I like where things are now that I have some cash to invest.