I’ve been hearing buzz about a new memecoin called DOGS, supposedly linked to Telegram, and investors are making substantial profits. As someone who’s interested in crypto but cautious about jumping in, I’m curious—how exactly are people profiting from DOGS? Is it worth considering as an investment, or is it just another risky meme coin? Can anyone share insights or experiences with this particular coin?
Binance listings are sell the news most of the time. Hope some day people gonna learn
It’s amusing how the majority of exchanges included this coin prior to its introduction, which is quite beneficial for the dog market. Even if I didn’t get anything from it, I’ll hold onto the free stuff I got (not that it’s even worth anything)
I sold my $2 worth DOGS as soon as I could. Thanks Binance for making me rich!
You guys are making money
Hehhehe…let the sleeping dogs sleep @Junita you know what I mean Sorry @TazerRaid …next time ill keep you posted
Hehehe so everyone is on Dogs…just when I thought I was alone
Geez you guys are getting money…i ignored that stuff…let me go see if my luck is still there.