In the unlikely event that you mined or invested in cryptocurrency early enough to see your coins’ value rise to over $1 billion, how would you go about cashing out?
(Should I happen to wake up in 2010)
In the unlikely event that you mined or invested in cryptocurrency early enough to see your coins’ value rise to over $1 billion, how would you go about cashing out?
(Should I happen to wake up in 2010)
Hire a team of accountants and lawyers to manage the chaos
A third-party exchange like Coinbase, Kraken, or Bitstamp is a popular place to cash out Bitcoin. To assist you convert your cryptocurrency into cash without endangering your assets, the majority of cryptocurrency exchanges have fair fees and security precautions in place.
I’d also recommend considering factors like withdrawal limits, transaction speeds, and customer support when selecting an exchange.
Never thought of it . It’s just alot of money to be withdrawn
According to what I have read, Coinbase will probably lock your account in order to complete verification procedures if you try to sell or withdraw big quantities (I believe more than $10,000). extremely difficult to unlock. This is the rationale behind Coinbase lawsuits. A guy submitted something on this site after Coinbase locked up $200k worth of assets. He is suing.